How many kills is good for Widowmaker?

How Many Kills is Good for Widowmaker?

Widowmaker is a formidable and deadly hero in the Overwatch universe. As a long-range assassin, her job is to pick off enemy heroes with precision and ease. So, how many kills is good for Widowmaker?

The Baseline Average

According to experts, the best Widowmaker players typically average around 20 kills per game. This may not seem like a lot compared to some other heroes, but trust us, those kills matter. In the right situation, a Widowmaker who can rack up 20 kills can have a tremendous impact on the outcome of the match.

Understanding Widowmaker’s Playstyle

Before we dive deeper into the world of kills, let’s understand how Widowmaker operates. This hero excels at sniper roles, preferring to perch herself at high elevations and pick off enemy heroes from afar. She excels at clearing enemy payloads, protecting friendly heroes, and setting up ambushes.

Damage Per Shot

One thing to note is that Widowmaker deals 2.5x damage with headshots, compared to her usual body damage. This is significant because it means she can clear enemy heroes in one quick shot if they’re lined up properly.

High-Elevate Killcounts

Here are some averages for high-elevate killcounts:
• 10 kills (4-minute mark)
• 16 kills (7-minute mark)
• 20+ kills (final 4 minutes of the game)
Keep in mind that these numbers can fluctuate greatly depending on your opponent and the overall meta.

Map-Specific Tips and Tricks

  • Numbani’s catwalks: Sniper Heaven for Widowmaker!
  • Havana Point A: Focus on mid-distance encounters, use building covers wisely.
  • King’s Row’s cargo crates: Ambush these for the best snipe opportunities!
  • Anubis’s catwalks (Point B): Turret takedown time; use those drones!

Widowmaker Skills and Upgrades

Unlocking her talents:

  • Silenced Slip-Ups: Improves focus on moving after fire.

Upgrades: Focus on Gates (50 damage multiplier, no reload after 15 hits).

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